Tag: Energy Bill

The Smart Home: Build by consumer pull

Pilgrim Beart, founder of Alertme gave a presentation at IET in March 2011 argued that consumers need to be in the driving seat and key for a successful transition towards reduction of carbon emissions in the home.

The presentation covers an exploration of how Smart Meter and Smart Grid roll out can help in bringing smart grid benefits into consumer’s homes and act as a catalyst for many more Smart Home services. Creating operational efficiencies for utilities will not be enough, consumers will need to experience the benefit too. Smart capabilities in the Home Area Network (HAN) will need to be built with future developments in mind. Consistent and open standards are vital for the future of the Smart Home.

Pilgrim Beart - Founder, Alertme

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Childrens cold homes misery ‘unacceptable’, warns leading health expert

Cold British homes that increase the risk of mental and physical illness in children and young people are unacceptable and avoidable, warns public health expert Professor Sir Michael Marmot in a new report by his UCL research team for Friends of the Earth launched on 12 May 2011.

Friends of the Earth is calling for the Government to protect people’s health and help slash the UK’s carbon footprint by leading a nationwide refurb of heat-leaking British houses through legislation in its new Energy Bill, currently being debated in Parliament.

Professor Sir Michael Marmot said:

“Upgrading this country’s cold homes would be a double win – improving people’s health and protecting the environment. The evidence is certainly strong enough to recommend action.”

Friends of the Earth is calling for a Warm Homes Amendment to the Energy Bill requiring the Government to produce a strategy to fully insulate enough homes to tackle fuel poverty and climate change. More than a quarter [27 per cent] of the UK’s carbon emissions come from our homes.

Full press Release:-

Friends of the Earth: Childrens cold homes misery ‘unacceptable’, warns leading health expert.

Full Report: –

‘The Health Impacts of Cold Homes and Fuel Poverty’